Andy Frank

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Olive Clubtail and Paddle-tailed Darner Dragonflies

Dragonflies at Smith and Bybee Lakes. September 19, 2007. They were found in this position with the blue one holding on tight to the green one.

Thanks to Jim Johnson for identifying these. The smaller dragonfly on lower left is a female Stylurus olivaceus (Olive Clubtail) and the other is a male Aeshna palmata (Paddle-tailed Darner).

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September 23, 2007. After not seeing any Eurasian Collared-Doves on Sauvie Island since February, there were 3 on the utility pole at the intersection of Reeder Road and Oak Island Road.
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Saturday, September 08, 2007

Immature Semipalmated Plover September 8, 2007

This bird was a good learning lesson. After seeing Sibley's comment that Semi-palmated Plovers have a complete breast band, I assumed this bird had to be something more unusual but alas, nothing is sacred, and Sibley was in error.Posted by Picasa